Map by Ben and Liam

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Day with the Whales

whales are sensative in the blow hole, eyes, fins, and tail. There were over 300 gray whales in the lagoon. They come to the lagoon because it's there calfing ground. Sometimes i thoght that the whale would crash into the boat. when I was peting the whale I observed that it's body was soft and smooth.


  1. How exciting to touch a whale in the wild. Do they come to the boats because they like people or is food thrown to attract them? How big was the biggest one you saw? Did the babies come close to the boat?

  2. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a terrific experience.

  3. OMG! how exiting. How far off shore you have to go to see the wales?

  4. A good distance from were we started at. The lagoon is 7 kilometers acros

  5. I am sooo jealous. I would so love to touch a whale. However, I have seen a coyote in my back yard twice this winter.

  6. The coyotes are probably after your cute little dog. What's his name? Teacup?

  7. Yep-Tintin would be a tasty morsel for a hungry coyote.

  8. How exciting to see a whale breach and then to touch one!
